Prior to creating Urban Cube, I worked as a business consultant traveling all over the globe; living in short term apartments and hotels.
U物業地產 / 服務式住宅Urban Cube Hong Kong Serviced Studios

We provide free WIFI internet broadband. Comparison to other serviced apartments, our room rate is reasonable and flexible monthly leases. Please feel free to contact us for reservation.

Three-Bedrooms Suite/Apartment : HK$46,000 to HK$90,000 p.m. (INCLUDES management fee, government rates,
P物業地產 / 服務式住宅Presidential Apartments

Eaton House Furnished Apartments are perfect for corporate housing and short to long-term leases. Our Hong Kong apartments include superbly located properties in Happy Valley and in Wan Chai. Each ap

你好!我們正在出售位於灣仔的辦公室。您可以在以下連結獲得更多信息: 你可以給我們留言或發送電子郵件至[email protected]與我聯繫。希望能盡快與您聯繫! Our office is offered for sale. For more infomation:
物業地產 / 辦公室買賣會展辦公室出售 - Convention Plaza Office For Sale

art jamming, drawing class, nude painting class, Private Party, Birthday party, Company gathering, Opening Exhibition

體重訓練及戶外訓練近年於全球興起。體重訓練更被美國運動醫學會列為2015年度體適能潮流趨勢的首位。 本課程目標為教授學員現今最受歡迎的兩項體重訓練方法 - 街頭健身(Street Workout)及跑酷(Parkour) 的基本訓練知識及技巧。
運動及健身 / 健身Pulse Fitness

旺角套房 $5,500/月 包水電, 5分鐘到地鐵站交通方便, 免佣 Studio in Mongkok $5,500 no commission

放租 中環伊利近街28號萬城閣22樓A室。包差餉、管理費,租金17.3K。聯絡趙生。92896554。

Interior Design & Furniture Production & Construction services

傳統的玻璃管材質霓虹燈,現代藝術形式霓虹燈,霓虹燈的亮、美、動特點,是任何電光源所不能替代的,在各類新型光源不斷湧現和競爭中獨領風騷。霓:有時在虹的外側還能看到第二道虹,光彩比第壹道虹稍淡,色序是外紫內紅,與虹相反。 虹:原意也是壹種自然現象,就是彩虹,也是七彩的,色序從外至內分別為:赤、橙、黃、綠、藍、靛、紫。 霓虹燈:夜間用來吸引顧客,或裝飾夜景的彩色燈,所以用 霓虹 這兩種美麗的東西來作為這
設計 / 室內設計傳統霓虹燈廣告字製作廠家

Our Design: areas include, but not limited to: visual merchandising brand design organizational design business design
設計 / 室內設計生活有限公司

本集團的核心業務:包括物業發展、物業投資及服務式公寓投資及管理。集團以永泰亞洲品牌發展物業,並以Lanson Place品牌管理服務式公寓業務。
物業地產 / 服務式住宅永泰地產有限公司

由Mia Cucina (Kitchens by Towngas) 及archiparti舉辦的「築」動廚房 2016設計大賽現正接受報名,無論你是專業設計師、創意無限但缺乏實踐經驗的設計系學生或煮食能手,只要你對廚房空間的設計構思提出創新、出色及有性格的設計,就能獲得由Mia Cucina送出價值一萬港幣的現金券,勝出者更有機會拿走總值超過十四萬八千港幣的獎品!
a設計 / 室內設計archiparti

The Hong Kong Sailing Federation (HKSF), formerly Hong Kong Yachting Association, is the national authority for the sport of sailing in Hong Kong. Founded as the Hong Kong Yacht Racing Federation in

About Everfine Membership Service Ltd Everfine Membership Services Ltd. is a Hong Kong-based regional operation specializing in providing brokerage services for the sale, rental and purchase of golf &

天 天 家 居 深 層 清 潔 中 心 以世界頂級醫療之潔淨系統.,針對清除家中的致敏源及病菌. 對於鼻敏感,濕疹,哮喘,皮膚敏感,支氣管炎的預防及舒緩效果明顯,由根本的致敏源頭做起, 為閣下帶來真正清潔乾浄的新體驗,從此不再為家居內的細菌,病菌而煩惱.
家居 / 清潔及滅蟲hoheiheihei01

The first recorded evidence of cricket being played in Hong Kong dates back to 1841. Today, cricket is fully-fledged sport that is professionally administered by the Hong Kong Cricket Association and
H運動及健身 / 會社、組織及團體Hong Kong Cricket Association
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